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Incidents6th/7th July 1942 to |
The Tyne / Tees area bombed by approximately twenty enemy aircraft, Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Billingham and Seaton Carew were the targets.
01.49.. Newcastle.. Approximately 200 IBs in Walkergate district including some on the City Hospital for Infectious Diseases (now Walkergate Hospital), where owing to some efficient work by firemen, doctors, nurses and staff there were no casualties. About fifty child patients were evacuated. IBs also fell in Broomfield Avenue, Appletree Gardens, Benfield Road and adjoining fields. Fires in approximately twelve dwelling houses put out by police and residents. NFS attended fires at Walkergate Hospital where two wards and the maids' dining room were damaged. Ten UXIBs held at East End Police Station. Casualties numbered about thirty, five were fatal at the time and three later.
01.45.. Co Durham.. Billingham ICI hit with HEs and IBs causing seventeen fires in 52 minutes. Flares used. An oil tank received a direct hit causing the loss of a million gallons of petrol. A sixty-one year old firefighter was killed and six people injured. Dozens of houses on the Belasis Estate surrounding the works were damaged or destroyed. The Synthonia Club Theatre and the Boys' Club in Cowpen Lane were destroyed and had to be rebuilt. A huge crater in the cricket field stopped play for several days. A HE destroyed Nos 9-12 Chiltern Avenue and Nos 18-20 Rawlinson Avenue and houses in the Tibbersley, Windermere and The Green were affected.
Co Durham.. At the Furness Shipbuilding Yard at Haverton Hill, three HEs were dropped, one on the jetty, one by the side of a ship being built and one near a platers shop causing extensive damage to the ship and platers shop.
01.45.. Co Durham.. A stick of HEs and one large HE exploded on a heavy AA site at Cowpen Bewley. Casualties caused amongst the gun crew were as follows:- one fatal, two seriously injured and nine slightly injured. The eleven injured soldiers were admitted to hospital. Eight other soldiers sustained minor injuries and received treatment on the site.
Co Durham.. Some slight damage was caused by IBs to a dwelling house at Norton and an UX AA shell went through two dwelling houses in Somerset Road and came to rest in a cupboard. Most of the IBs fell on open ground, several IB containers did not open until they hit the ground when all the bombs ignited in a heap where they fell. A barrage balloon was destroyed by enemy action.
02.00.. Co Durham.. A large number of IBs fell in the Brierton Lane area of West Hartlepool and a ½ mile S of Greatham Railway Station, slight damage was caused to an outbuilding at Brierton Farm and haycock were set on fire.
02.04.. Co Durham.. Three HEs fell in the Seaton Carew district damaging crops, telephone wires, windows and roofs of houses. One was reported as a UXB.
02.10.. Co Durham.. Four HEs fell on cultivated land between West Pasture Farm and Springwell Farm, Greatham, causing damage to crops and the roof of a farm building. A considerable number of unexploded IBs have been found in this area.
Co Durham.. Slight damage was caused to Dovecote Farm, Elwick, by the tube of a rocket shell.
01.45.. Co Durham.. An AA shell burst at Little Thorpe Farm, Easington, causing damage to walls and windows. No casualties.
01.51.. Co Durham.. An AA shell exploded on the roadway at Cornmoor Road, Whickham, causing no casualties.
Yorkshire.. Middlesbrough suffered damage to three churches, a secondary school, some houses and shops.
Night 1038. All times DST. Blackout begins: 23.45, ends: 04.36
Public Alert: 01.32, All-Clear: 02.55
Industrial Alarm: 01.44, Release: 02.25
A series of raids similar to yesterdays, but with a smaller force, took place at Billingham, Middlesbrough, West Hartlepool, Gateshead and Seaton Carew, in addition bombs also fell near Scarborough.
Co Durham.. German bombers passed through the balloon barrage at Billingham. One hit a balloon cable but managed to fly on. It was reported that several WAAF balloon operators had been slightly injured by bomb blast.
01.24/02.28. Co Durham.. Oil storage tanks at Billingham Reach Wharf were hit by HEs and set on fire. Four HEs were dropped at Billingham Bottoms causing damage to electric cables. Two serious fires were caused at the ICI factory, the production there, already limited to 2/3rds by previous nights raid, will be reduced still further by the effects of this raid and the effect of the petrol fires will reduce output still further. A Special Constable Dispatch Rider was injured when his motorcycle skidded and has been taken to hospital.
Co Durham.. Billingham, Haverton Hill.. Billingham ICI hit with HE and IBs causing twelve fires in 46 minutes. Flares used. One HE near the Corner House severely damaged the ICI butane plant. Billingham Reach wharf attacked. First aid depot at Belasis Hostel had to be evacuated. Blast severely damaged St John's church, nearby schools and the UDC office. Roofs and walls of farm buildings at Belasis Hall, owned by Lord Furness were severely damaged and the premises made uninhabitable, never to be repaired, farmer Allan and family had to vacate their home. Fire station in Belasis Avenue was damaged.
A single HE fell near Holly Terrace, 80 yards from High Clarence School, damaged the roof and windows. The school was closed and children moved to Port Clarence School and Billingham primary schools in Belasis Lane. People from thirty-two houses in Holly, Poplar and Palm Terraces were evacuated.
A single HE destroyed much of the Circle including the Circle bakery. Single HEs also fell on each of the following sites:- 25 Cleveland Avenue - Hood/Howard Crescent - close to 154 Belasis Avenue/Cleveland Avenue - behind 44 Belasis Avenue and on 92 Belasis Avenue/Collingwood Avenue. Forty-nine houses were destroyed or demolished and forty-five were seriously damaged. Those destroyed included six in Belasis Avenue, seven in Bilsdale Avenue, four in Durham Avenue, five in Cleveland Avenue, four in Howard Avenue, five in Howard Terrace, four in Poplar Terrace, four in Harrow Road, one in Roscoe Road, No 19 Leven Street and 12 Farndale Road.
Eight people were killed. A 51 year old woman of Collingwood Rd who died in Belasis Avenue, a 28 year old woman who also died in Belasis Avenue. A 31 year old woman, her two sons, one aged two, the other aged three and her 38 year old sister were all killed whilst seeking shelter in Cleveland Avenue. Her 16 year old niece died later from injuries received in Cleveland Avenue. A 50 year old man was killed in Howard Crescent.
Co Durham.. HEs dropped at Port Clarence causing damage to residential property. IBs were also dropped setting fire to huts at a Balloon Barrage Site.
Co Durham.. Four HEs fell in Wynyard Park, one on Gas House Bridge between North Lodge and The Kennels. The other three fell on open ground. The bridge was partly destroyed and windows broken and slates dislodged at Kennel Cottages.
01.45.. Co Durham.. At West Hartlepool three HEs were dropped, causing damage to a quay and puncturing a gas holder. Doors and windows of offices were also damaged. Extensive damage was caused at Messrs William Gray& Co Ltd works, damage also reported to a power house and crane shed. A number of waggons and the goods railway line N of West Hartlepool railway station were damaged. The line is blocked, traffic diverted to a passenger line, telephone wires down.
02.14.. Co Durham.. An AA shell fell and exploded in Kendal Road, West Hartlepool causing damaged to underground and overhead cables. Some machine gunning took place but no casualties are reported. A UXB is reported in the annexe adjoining the doctor's residence at Howbeck Institution. The annexe is demolished.
01.24/02.28.. Co Durham.. Two or three HEs dropped on the south end of the Cerebos Salt Works, Greatham, causing extensive damage.
Yorkshire.. At Middlesbrough damage was done to a factory, and to a warehouse near Dents Wharf. Fires in the district caused some damage to property.
A raid on Middlesbrough resulted in two enemy aircraft losses. A Dornier Do 217, from 4/KG2, crashed off the Dutch coast on its return from the raid.
9/KG2 Dornier Do 217E-4 (4270). Believed shot down by a Beaufighter from No 406 Squadron and crashed into the sea off Middlesbrough. Oberlt G. Lanz, Fw E. Lörs, Uffz A. Engler and Fw J. Klatt missing. Aircraft U5+BT lost.
Night 1039. All times DST. Blackout begins: 23.45, ends: 04.37
Public Alert: 01.40, All-Clear: 02.18
A Halifax bomber operating from Linton on Ouse airfield near York, returned from operations with a 4,000 lb bomb hung up. The pilot decided to abandon the aircraft and this was done successfully over Knaresborough. The plane flew on westwards and a few seconds before it crashed, the hung up bomb freed itself, falling near a farmhouse, blowing out all of its windows.
Another Halifax bomber operating from the same base, crashed after engine failure in flight. The pilot and one of the crew were killed.
Day 1046. All times DST. Blackout ends: 04.44, begins: 23.38
Widows Pensions and Old Age Pensions to be increased by 2/6 (12½p) per week.
Day 1048. All times DST. Blackout ends: 04.47, begins: 23.36
A single enemy aircraft flew over Hartlepool, Seaham and Sunderland early in the morning.
Day 1051. All times DST. Blackout ends: 04.51, begins: 23.32
'SS Dora' (1,526t) a Swedish ship was sunk by a U Boat, 5 miles NE by N of Blyth at 55°17'00"N - 01°24'00"W. She sank only 400ft off the starboard beam of the 'Princess Maud' (sunk by a U Boat on the 10th June 1918). She was built in 1881.
A Halifax bomber operating from Linton on Ouse airfield near York, according to the book 'Action Stations 4' had been taken up on an air test and probably stalled after losing height from 1,200' - a suspected case of rudder over-balance. The pilot had taken two army NCOs up contra to orders and all nine occupants of the plane were killed when it crashed at Catterton near Tadcaster.
Day 1053. All times DST. Blackout ends: 04.55, begins: 23.29
Night 1054. All times DST. Blackout begins: 23.27, ends: 04.58
Public Alert: 18.01, All-Clear: 18.17
A Halifax bomber based at Pocklington airfield near York was returning from a mission against Duisburg when it caught fire as it was coming in to land. It crashed in flames on the village school at Pocklington at 04.53. The crew of eight was killed.
Day 1056. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.00, begins: 23.24
'SS Broompark' (5,136t) cargo ship, Tyne to New York, was torpedoed by U 552 and sank in tow on the 1st of August, E of Newfoundland.
A Fairey Battle fighter left an airfield at Paisley for Surrey at 17.00, it developed engine trouble and crashed on Woodside Moor, Bowsden, Lowick, Northumberland at about 17.35. It was piloted by Pilot Officer Green, he was carrying two passengers and all three were injured, they were treated at Flodden Lodge, Ford and later taken to Berwick Infirmary.
Day 1057. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.01, begins: 23.23
Co Durham.. At Haverton Hill, thirty-five houses were seriously damaged; overhead electric cables, gas mains, water mains and a public shelter were also damaged. Some blast damage was done to a cinema. Oban Street was blocked.
Co Durham.. At West Hartlepool there was some damage to the Isolation Hospital and to a First Aid post.
00.49/01.50.. Co Durham.. At about 01.00 three IB containers of the Flam 500 Type were dropped in the West Hartlepool area. A small fire at Brougham Street Schools was quickly extinguished. A stack at Owton Manor Farm was burnt out. In all three cases the containers failed to explode until striking the ground.
01.08.. Co Durham.. Four HEs fell in field S of the Isolation Hospital, Brierton Lane, West Hartlepool, causing blast damage to doors, windows and roofs of the Hospital buildings.
01.15.. Co Durham.. Two male adults were slightly injured by splinters from a cannon shell fired from an enemy aircraft near the entrance to the Corporation Depot, West Hartlepool. A cannon shell was also fired through the roof and ceiling of 155 Westbourne Road, West Hartlepool.
Co Durham.. Billingham.. Seven incidents were reported in the ICI factory by HEs. Damage was caused to the annexe of the Phosphate Plant, the Grinding Plant, the No 4 Nitric Acid Pump House, the Electrical Plant and to the Kilns and Coal Section of the Casebourne Cement Works. One male and two females were overcome by Nitric Acid Fumes. The effect on production not yet ascertained.
01.10-01.20.. Co Durham.. Between 01.10 and 01.15 two HEs were dropped at Haverton Hill causing extensive damage to houses. A cinema, telephone lines, gas, electric and water mains also damaged. At 01.15 four HEs dropped in an open field on Saltholme Farm, Haverton Hill. At 01.15 three HEs dropped at Haverton Hill but failed to explode. About 600 people were evacuated. At 01.20 three HEs were fell in open ground, slightly damaging the roof of the LNER Locomotive Shed.
Co Durham.. Four HEs dropped one mile W of Cowpen Bewley near the Decoy Site. There was no damage or casualties.
Yorkshire.. Middlesbrough.. Enemy aircraft attacked in relays and 28 tonnes of bombs were dropped. There were twenty-five fires, one of forty pumps and another of twenty pumps. Victoria Hall, Co-op Emporium and Eaton's Store burnt down. Leeds Hotel was destroyed by direct hit, four of the fatalities occurred here. In all sixty-eight houses and seventy-six business premises were destroyed, while minor damage was done to 1000 houses and to 221 business premises, only two industrial premises were damaged. Sixteen people were killed, fifty injured and 200 made homeless. A static water tank was damaged.
Night 1057. All times DST. Blackout begins: 23.23, ends: 05.03
Public Alert: 00.45, All-Clear: 01.52
Newcastle.. A barrage balloon at Ouseburn Tip near Rosedale Street struck by lightning and set on fire. Some damage to 81,87 and 89 Hotspur Street. Fire extinguished by unit of NFS.
Chocolate and Confectionery rationed from today. They were not to come off ration until April 24th 1949, only to be rationed again from August 14th 1949 until February 4th 1953.
Day 1059. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.04, begins: 23.19
At Colmworth POW Camp, an Italian prisoner was injured by machine-gun fire from a German raider.
York.. Bombs were dropped at York later in the day.
Night 1061. All times DST. Blackout begins: 23.16, ends: 05.09
After midnight tonight, no motor car will be allowed on the roads of Great Britain unless the owner can prove to the satisfaction of his local Petroleum Officer that he is using his car for essential services. Taxi cabs will no longer be available for long costly journeys and there will be drastic cuts in public coach services. Travel is to be discouraged.
Day 1063. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.11, begins: 23.12
Hull.. In a night attack on Hull, twenty-five people were killed.
02.42.. Hull.. A 500kg HE and a 1800kg HE fell on the Grindell Street and Victoria Dock areas. There was extensive domestic damage and some railway damage. No casualties were reported.
Night 1063. All times DST. Blackout begins: 23.12, ends: 05.13
Public Alert (Hull Warning Dist): 02.15, All Clear: 03.25
'SS Flora II' (1,218t) cargo ship, Reykjavik to Hull, was sunk by U 254, S of Iceland.
York.. Bombs dropped at York.
Day 1065. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.15, begins: 23.08
Several day attacks on Middlesbrough, in one raid, the railway station was badly damaged and eight people were killed. Of these raids, the first came soon after mid-day when nine enemy aircraft flew over the Humber area dropping bombs at scattered points, including Goole where 200 houses were damaged, minor incidents were also reported at Withernsea.
I have left the following reports on the same incident in because they have differing casualty figures:-
Yorkshire.. Middlesbrough.. At Middlesbrough bombs fell on the LNER station, a large part of which was demolished, and damaged the front portion of the Middlesbrough / Newcastle express, five people being killed.
Yorkshire.. Middlesbrough.. Noon - dive bomber, with guns firing, partly demolished Middlesborough railway station; seven killed.
Yorkshire.. Middlesbrough.. A low-flying Dornier 217 dropped 4 x 500kg bombs. Two direct hits on Middlesbrough station. Eight dead and fifty-eight injured. Raider crossed the coast just north of Saltburn, flew over practically every important target in the Tees area, and then bombed the station.
Edited report.. Yorkshire.. An attack on Middlesbrough by a single, low flying, Dornier 217 around noon, resulted in eight dead and fifty-eight injured. Of the four 500kg bombs dropped, two demolished most of the town's LNER railway station and damaged the front part of the Middlesbrough to Newcastle express. Machine gunning was also reported. The raider crossed the coast just north of Saltburn and flew over nearly every important target in the Tees area, before it bombed Middlesbrough.
Day 1066. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.17, begins: 23.06
Day 1067. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.18, begins: 23.04
Public Alert: 06.49, All-Clear: 06.58
Yorkshire.. Middlesbrough.. Gas test in Russell Street for schoolchildren - many not carrying masks. Cloud released near queue of several hundred outside Odeon in Corporation Street. At least 2/3 had no masks and suffered acute discomfort for several minutes.
Day 1070. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.24, begins: 22.58
Night attacks at various points in the North-East.
Night 1070. All times DST. Blackout begins: 22.58, ends: 05.26
Northumberland.. Tynemouth Borough.. In a hit and run, just after 20.00, St John's Methodist Church, Cullercoats was demolished and a thirteen year old boy was killed while practising the organ. A single HE fell on Marden Avenue, Cullercoats. A single HE fell beside the LNER main line near Beaconsfield House and a single HE beside Kennersdene Farm, Tynemouth near the LNER main line. Property and hospital damage in the Borough.
Day 1071. All times DST. Blackout ends: 05.26, begins: 22.56
Leeds.. During the night an air raid was reported at Leeds.
The Germans announced that on Sat/Sun [8/9] night the "East Anglian town of Middlesbrough" was attacked. It was not attacked and it is not in East Anglia.
Night 1071. Blackout begins: 22.56 DST, ends: 04.57 BST
Industrial Alarm: 20.08 DST, Release: 20.16 DST
Newcastle.. UXPS shell on the carriageway of Freeman Road 100 yards N of Castle Farm Road. Also AA shell exploded on the permanent way of the LNER at St Peter's Station causing a crater 7' x 5'. Nose of shell in crater. Damage slight.
South Shields.. Sixteen flares and approximately 100 incendiaries fell on the Harton and Westoe districts. No damage or casualties were reported. Two unexploded bombs were found.
Co Durham.. Damage reported during a night attack at Seaton.
23.30.. Co Durham.. A canister of IBs was dropped in a field half a mile W of Wynyard Station setting fire to a small haystack.
23.40.. Co Durham.. Four HEs fell in a field between Thornley railway station and Thornley Crossing causing three craters and a camouflet.
23.40. Co Durham.. Two HEs fell at Shotton Colliery without causing damage.
23.50/00.10.. Co Durham.. Four HEs dropped at New Seaham causing slight damage to telephone cables near Seaton Water Works. Two HEs were dropped at 00.10 between Seaton and Mount Pleasant, New Seaham, damaging windows.
Night 1072. All times BST. Blackout begins: 21.24, ends: 04.59
Public Alert: 23.24, All-Clear: 00.43
Industrial Alarm: 23.38, Release: 23.58
'SS Empire Reindeer' (6,259t) cargo ship, Montreal to Hull, was sunk by U 660, S of Iceland.
Day 1073. All times BST. Blackout ends: 04.59, begins: 21.22
A Flying Fortress returning from a patrol over the Atlantic was trying to return to its base in Northern Ireland when it was diverted to Prestwick in Ayreshire but owing to weather conditions it was unable to land there either. Growing short of petrol the order to bale out was given over the Greenlaw area and the plane crashed on Doddington Moor, Northumberland at about 11.30. The eight man crew were all safe.
Day 1074. All times BST. Blackout ends: 05.01, begins: 21.20
Bradford.. Minor night-time bombing incidents reported at Bradford.
Night 1074. All times BST. Blackout begins: 21.20, ends: 05.03
Co Durham.. The gasworks at Seaton, damaged during an air raid.
Day 1075. All times BST. Blackout ends: 05.03, begins: 21.18
Coastal area raided.
Night 1078. All times BST. Blackout begins: 21.11, ends: 05.11
Public Alert: 22.55, All-Clear: 00.37
At 17.35 on Thursday a Hurricane fighter operating from Milfield airfield, Northumberland, developed engine failure after performing aerobatics and crashed in a field known as Eweley Braes, Hay Farm, Cornhill on Tweed. It was piloted by a Canadian, Sergeant pilot K.F. Dole.
Leeds.. Night bombing reported at Leeds.
Day 1090. All times BST. Blackout ends: 05.31, begins: 20.43
Bombs were dropped in Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire.... At Blackhall Colliery (near West Hartlepool) four houses were wrecked; eight people were killed and two were seriously injured. At Ryhope five houses were demolished, three people were killed, and four were badly hurt. At Wheatley Hill there was one fatality. UXBs interrupted rail communications on the Murton Colliery Line and near Leasingthorne (All these places are in Co Durham) (NOTE IN BULLETIN. Enemy has mistaken Wallsend or West Hartlepool for Sunderland).
23.15.. Sunderland.. Eight IBs of the phosphorus oil type fell in Fulwell Quarry at [NZ387592]. No damage.
Sunderland.. damage to shelter.
22.37/00.14.. Co Durham.. At 23.00, eight HEs (one UXB) fell 400 yds E of Hutton Henry pit shaft. One caused a suspected camouflet. About the same time two HEs fell SE of Manor House Estate, Hutton Henry. Slight damage to windows was reported as a result of these incidents.
23.00.. Co Durham.. Two HEs fell E of Wheatley Hill Colliery and one man was fatally injured by shrapnel north of Thornley Railway crossing.
23.05. Co Durham.. At 23.05, two HEs (one UXB) fell in Hardwick Terrace, Blackhall Colliery, demolishing four dwelling houses, fatally injuring eight persons (six females and two males) and seriously injuring two females.
23.05.. Co Durham.. Two HEs fell N of Hope House Farm, near Bishop Middleham, causing slight damage to windows of dwelling houses. There were no casualties.
Co Durham.. HE reported at Fence Houses.
Co Durham.. Two AA shells fell in Longnewton area, one UX.
23.00-23.15.. Co Durham.. Leasingthorne.. Eight HEs (four UXBs) and two IBs fell W of Chilton Bank Cottages at the side of the Leasingthorne branch of the LNER. There was no damage and no casualties. Another IB fell on the embankment of the LNER N of Linger and Die Bridge on the main Darlington - Ferryhill line.
23.10.. Co Durham.. Seven HEs fell at West Hall Plantation, Whitburn two of which failed to explode and two resulted in camouflets. Damage was caused to a 2" water pipe and 15' of wall. There were no casualties. A number of explosive IBs fell at the same time causing slight damage to crops.
23.15.. Co Durham.. Two HE fell in Smith Street South, Ryhope, totally demolishing five dwelling houses and partly demolishing three others. Three people were fatally injured (two male and one female), five persons were seriously injured and forty-nine slightly injured. Twenty-eight persons were accommodated in Rest Centres. Two Special Constables were injured, one was admitted to hospital suffering from haemorrhage and the other was treated at a First Aid Post.
23.15.. Co Durham.. At the same time an HE fell in a field behind the Intermediate School, Ryhope, causing no damage or casualties.
23.15.. Co Durham.. Six HEs were dropped on the edge of a potato field near Ryhope Dene.
22.37/00.14.. Co Durham.. At 23.20, a single HE fell near to Cold Hesledon causing damage to windows of dwelling houses and electric cable.
Co Durham.. A single HE fell on the railway embankment at Murton and failed to explode. Railway traffic between Murton Colliery and Seaham Docks is suspended. This is a private Colliery line.
Co Durham.. A single HE fell in a turnip field west of Peake House Farm, Hawthorn, causing no damage. One HE was dropped S of the South Hetton to Seaham LNER and a combination HE and Phosphorus bomb fell 100 yds W of Kinley Hill Road, Hawthorn, both of which fell in fields causing camouflets.
23.35.. Co Durham.. One HE fell in a cornfield S of West Moor Farm, Wingate, causing no damage or casualties.
Co Durham.. A camouflet was found in a potato patch at Sedgeletch Sewerage Beds, Houghton le Spring.
The attack on the north-east coast led to three losses, KG2 losing two of their Dornier Do 217s..
The third was a StabI/KG77 Junkers Ju 88A-4 (144146). Shot down by Flight Lieutenant J.R.B. Frith and Pilot Officer F.G. Harding in a Beaufighter Mk VI of No 406 Squadron which was damaged and forced to return on one engine but crashed into a farm house at Scorton killing both the crew. The enemy aircraft crashed into the sea off Sunderland 23.04. Oberfw A. Riedel and Uffz J. Pfeffer were injured, they baled out and were taken prisoner. Oberfw P. Kolodzie and Gefr J. Sanden killed. Aircraft 3Z+CB sank.
Night 1091. All times BST. Blackout begins: 20.40, ends: 05.35
Public Alert: 22.45, All-Clear: 00.14
Industrial Alarm: 23.05, Release: 23.45
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Brian Pears